
Frequently Asked Questions

YES, Ghasst internet troubleshooting package is independent of an internet service provider system, the guarantee is that we match or increase the dedicated speed of your service provider in your LAN.

Yes, Ghasst will utilize a centralized database or a server to store your files and grants access base on need-to-know.

Yes, many internet solutions in Ghana are often affected by microwave distortions or over-utilization of shared bandwidth. Ghasst internet solution is based on a 2.4 spectrum dedicated system which is able to restart itself when need be and it guarantees a consistent speed and bandwidth during peak hours.

Ghasst recommend both building cabling as well as a full mesh wi-fi for a new office building. Cabling connection is reliable and provides high-speed data/file transmission via desktops or devices that do not move, it is the backbone of every network and very secured. Wi-Fi on the other hand help mobile devices connect to internet in the most versatile experience ever. The rule of thumb is that “if it is not moving cable it”.

You can access your business files remotely from a remote location by leveraging Ghasst’s low-cost Remote Access VPN system with low cost of Internet.

A strong wi-fi password is a software created password that gives one-time login access, Ghasst provide a wi-fi management software that gives one-time login for internet usage.

Information technology tools like centralized database server and business management software helps organizations to run effectively, save cost and increase revenue.

Secure your Devices :-Network Routers and switches don’t usually come with the highest security settings enabled. When setting up your network, log in to the router, and set a password using a secure, encrypted setup. This prevents intruders from infiltrating your network and messing with your settings

Frequently Asked Questions​

How's your organizations' image online

create your Dream Website

everything you need to know before owning a Web Page

What's the time period to finish a website?

Each project is different, but on average we have a website launched within 4 to 6 weeks. This timeline can be longer or shorter depending on how proactive you are with assets and revisions. From experience, client with already made content and good images turn to have a speedy delivery time. Please note that you do not need to have all content ready before engaging us. Our team of professionals would work with you through it all. Ghasst provides you guidance on the type of text and images that would perform best on your website.

This is my first time thinking about owning a website. Where do I start from?

You're at the right place! Ghasst has a simple 3-step unique processes in place that will educate and help you make informed decisions along the way. You could jumpstart the journey by checking if you choice of name is available at We're great at communicating with our prospect and we have rich experience across many industries.

I have already purchase a domain name for our organization. Should I still contact you about my project?

We guide our prospects in choosing website names for their organization based on these core principles; domain name needs to be short. Make it easy to pronounce and spell and Keep it unique and brandable. This advise is FREE OF CHARGE. However, we do start each project with a plan in place. Once you hire us, we outline content and design details prior to starting

Have Software related Questions ?


Can I have our internal I.T. Staff liase with Ghasst in our Software dev't?

Most likely but mostly depends on your staff's expertise. There's a high-skill demand in building a successful custom software project. This also mean that if one of our team members leave, our whole team shares the knowledge so you’re not left in the dark.


Do I own the full Intellectual property of the developed software?

The primary business model of Ghasst is that we make teams available to customers in order to build long-lasting trust. We maintain secrecy and do transfer the intellectual property of their work done readily to customers as soon as the last invoice term of the project has been paid. Because of our way of working, as customer, you are fully in control. The developed software is your property and the relationship with the developers is arranged in such a way that it is best comparable to hiring employees yourself.


Why do I need a software to run my company?

Owning a software like ERP or CRM system helps you to be productive and very efficient with your organization work processes through automation. A software would literally help your organization make more money or save money.


Why is Fully-owned Software such a large investment?

Building a custom web application is a time-consuming endeavor. Ghasst believes in the uniqueness of every business and therefor takes time to learn the processes of each organization, to gather requirements, to flesh out your needs, and to build the software. While it’s a large investment, by investing in custom software, you’ll own the code instead of having a long-term licensing agreement with another software company.


What software solutions can you help me with ?

Ghasst partners with organizations of all sectors to build and maintain the following solutions;
Business operation software (ERP & CRM)
Academic Mgmt system with Login Portal
Intuitive Hotel Management System
Multi-department Hospital Management System

Stay Safe...Work remotely

To help prevent and reduce transmission and also maintain healthy business operations and work environments, Ghasst is helping businesses across Ghana to build the most affordable Remote Access VPN connections. Take advantage of this limited offer by calling 0550500080 or email via